Impulse page for Sins of a Galactic Empire for Sins of a Solar Empire


Sins of a Galactic Empire (SOGE) 1.0e release for Sins of a Solar Empire Entrenchment
A Star Wars total conversion mod for Sins of a Solar Empire

Models, textures, ship stats: Evillejedi
Abilities and tons of debugging: Psychoak (It would have taken another year without this help) Web support and general debugging: Evaders
Interface icons: Ozwolf
SW Music: Pedro
Many many beta testers, many who didn't do a damn thing thanks to those that gave us valuable feedback!
Probably some other people I am missing, thanks

Development website
Development forum
bug tracker
sins forum


The zip file should be around 225mb

Extract the contents of the zip file to your sins mod directory
Example for windows XP C:\Documents\<username>\Local Settings\Application Data\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\Mods-Entrenchment v1.041\
Example for Vista/win 7 C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\Mods-Entrenchment v1.041\
open the game and go into options and select the mod from the list of available mods and then activate it.


The mod should be working fine if the only races you can select are the star wars races. If this is not the case you have not properly installed the mod in your mods folder.

This release is a compiled version of 1.0e, there are newer builds on the SVN, however these may be unstable or perform poorly, so download at your own risk

If you are in the beta test you will not need to download this file, simply update your SVN repository to get the latest version

This release contains fully playable factions for the Rebel Alliance, Imperial Navy, Confederacy of Independent systems and Galactic Republic

There are currently no star bases in the mod and the Civilian research has not been modified, it will be modified in the future

Since it is a total conversion this mod does not contain the stock races (advent, vasari, tech), this
decision is driven by the hardcode limits imposed by ironclad and by eliminating them makes the mod
much more stable. If you want the star wars races with the standard sins races check out
Star Wars Requiem at

If you would like to participate in the development of the mod we can definitely use your help!
However we are looking for skilled individuals to do development of many detailed aspects of research/ability coding and 2d artwork
and do not need general help. Please post on the development forum if you feel that you can help us.

Please check the development website for updates on news, new content or official patches

If you would like to participate in beta testing the mod you can post in the beta testing forum to get access, we are looking for testers
that will provide detailed feedback of items they find in the game into our bug tracker.

Planetary defenses are great starting elements to protect your planets, especially when upgraded, build lots of turrets!

There are a few planet hardening upgrades in the defense research, these are crucial if you want your colonies to survive.

Capital ships need to be protected before they gain a few levels, once they have a few levels they will become very potent.

The ranges for weapons have been greatly extended. If you want more epic battles move your ships into closer range and many
abilities and other weapons will be used by the vessels.
Remember even Admiral Ackbar thought that it was suicide to move so close to the imperial star fleet!

The Imperials focus on Heavy firepower, Ion weaponry and command and control. It is best to lead groups of star destroyers
with a flag ship. The Empire does not have a low cost colonizer, but the gladiator and ISDs are very capable. The Executor
really has no equal.

The Alliance is focused on survivability, the mon calimari vessels may not have a lot of firepower, but they will be able to
last the engagement. Mix the mon cal vessels with their other vessels for a mixed fleet and protect the Diplomatic vessels,
they have excellent high level abilities

The CIS starts off weak, but has some extremely powerful abilities after a bit of research, build lots of trafed II's at the
beginning and then progress to Lucrehulks with buzz droids.

The republic is based off of mass production of its vessels, use support vessels to supplement homogenous fleets and Lead the
fleets with a Jedi cruiser.

Some abilities may not work exactly as described, may have conditional issues or may be over/underpowered. This is being worked
on and some of it requires Ironclad to release a new patch

Research costs have not been finalized, they will change in the future

Some ships may be unbalanced this will be addressed as we get specific bug reports

some descriptions are too long and cause the text to spill out of the description box, this is especially true on lower resolution
screens like laptop screens. We are working to fix this

On some ships it may be possible to zoom in to the point that the models mesh disappears slightly this is being addressed.

some vessels such as the subjugator and some fighters may have no texture or may have incomplete textures, this is being addressed
in future versions

Ywings are currently being displayed as bwings, this will be fixed soon

Some abilities or effects may require work, this is especially true of abilities like Sprint

Some icons are being reworked and will require some adjustments

Fighters fly through ships and bounce around, this is something that needs to be fixed by ironclad, it is an engine issue.

The AI likes to spam some ships, right now there is no fix for this.

Entrenchment 1.041+ (until ironclad breaks it again)

model files and textures are compatible with older versions of Sins, however Ironclad made
many changes to the SINS code that require 1.041, if you want to backport the mod to a previous
version feel free, but it is a tremendous amount of work

Download Links


Comments (Page 60)
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on Nov 13, 2009

*Facepalm*  Look, these guys mod for a hobby.  They aren't obligated to provide you anything.  Seriously, get off of their backs.  You want to help improve the mod?  Then test it and provide constructive feedback.  Bitching about it will not help one bit, in fact, it's counter productive.

/steps off soapbox.

on Nov 13, 2009

Major Stress

I just love the comment that if we put it up for public download we "should" expect to get nit picked, and trashed to death, and have absolutely ridiculous demands be made of us. Those individuals really show respect our hobby.,,, NOT


0.9 gives constant minidumps and 0.95 is not available for download, meaning that this mod doesn't work, at least for me.  Requiem is a far more refined and polished product, although I do like having 4 factions and appreciate the variety of ships in SOGE.  IMO, the models are a bit small; SOGE looks like normal Sins unless you zoom in all the way, except it isn't as fun because the research/tech tree thing is boring.  There isn't any depth to SOGE.  It's all about the variety of ships offered, which can't even be appreciated unless one uses cinematic mode or zooms in 100% on each individual ship.  I like being able to build the Executor, and I would love to decimate some worlds/fleets using an Eclipse SSD or a DEATH STAR, game balance be damned.

[/end rant]

I'm sure 97240SX can defend himself, but all things considered I don't see anywhere here that makes ridiculous demands or is any way "trashed to death" - that seems a little hyperbolic. In fact, given that it crashed on the guy repeatedly (due to nobody's fault in particular, possibly his for downloading a version that's known to be crashy), I'd say he's being pretty generous in pointing out what he did like? People that are ridiculously demanding deserve to be told off (WHY ISN'T MOD HERE YET??????????????) but that's a whole different ballgame.

Going off on someone because they said the game doesn't work for them, the research tree is dull, or that it's difficult to view the (wide variety of) ships, I've found, will quickly cause modders to burn out on their projects, especially because those same people can often change their minds. If they didn't really care about the project, they wouldn't come back and tell you why they didn't enjoy it - they'd just hit the Uninstall button.

and re: Evaders' post (didn't want to quote the whole thing): Thanks, I gotcha.

on Nov 13, 2009

I exagerated a little but you get what i was saying Obviously if we didnt give a damn we wouldnt be doing it. It is kind of comical when you look back and see this stuff. Ive known evilejedi (not in person, but through the years with his mods), and i was just trying to toss my 2 cents worth of support. People just have to trust his judgement. I have never known him NOT to do good work.

on Nov 29, 2009

Unfortunately I've also been far too busy with work and helping with keeping Requiem evolving, so I only hope that some of the work done in Requiem has helped or inspired something in SOGE.

What I would like to add to this thread is 3 things:

  1. When developing a mod you need to be able to accept both positive and negative criticism. People don't normally post stuff because they want to heckle; they are giving their feedback because they want the mod to be better. You don't need to reply to every post... just listen to it and move on.

  2. Putting together a mod is extremely time consuming and there is no instructions on how to do it good the first time. But if you have the time and the interest it's really helps a lot to have contributions sent to you. A lot of Requiem content was provided or inspired by the community and GoaFan particular has really picked up a lot for me personally. Do help out.

  3. Lastly I have specific words for people like Ryuzaki777. You do more harm than good by flaming people on a post. Your post about Requiem development work ignores the months I've personally spent on that mod as well as 10 or so other mod developers and contributers who've also spent their time constributing to significant parts of it. Whatever makes you so intolerant and aggressive go and speak to someone and get it fixed. In the meantime do yourself and the community a favor and only write friendly, positive posts. There is enough misery in this world without creating it online.
on Nov 29, 2009

so, is there ever gonna be another version for vanilla? or am i just sitting here, dreaming about killing pirates with the executor.

on Nov 29, 2009

Again I say, so what if I'm aggressive I get my point across don't I? So don't go off saying I need help, considering thats what you're implying. And I wasn't flaming I was stating bluntly what I feel. There is a significant difference.


EDIT: Granted I haven't played Requiem recently, but last time I did I hadn't seen a difference between Eville's work.

on Dec 02, 2009

No, development is only focused on Entrenchment (and higher if Diplomacy comes out). It is hard enough to maintain one version and make sure all the file changes from Stardock get in

on Dec 03, 2009

We are looking for a public release this weekend, probably on a site like file front.


more details to come. Everyone that is in the beta can continue updating as they normally do. This release will just be a full download for those that don't connect via SVN

on Dec 05, 2009

I mini-dump when I try and "disable mod" or "move mod down."  maybe something to do with svn?

version 0.95 beta

edit: it worked after about the 5th or 6th try.  i was trying enable requiem and disable soge but it just kept crashing.  eventually it worked.

on Dec 05, 2009

I mini-dump when I try and "disable mod" or "move mod down."  maybe something to do with svn?

version 0.95 beta

edit: it worked after about the 5th or 6th try.  i was trying enable requiem and disable soge but it just kept crashing.  eventually it worked.

I think that is a memory problem. The game is trying to load too much stuff at once. In the future, try disabling SOGE, clicking "apply changes," then enabling Requiem and clicking "apply changes" again. A couple extra steps, but it should keep things from crashing. Generally, I find it a good idea to do this when I'm switching between any large mods.

on Dec 07, 2009

We are looking for a public release this weekend, probably on a site like file front.


more details to come. Everyone that is in the beta can continue updating as they normally do. This release will just be a full download for those that don't connect via SVN
Any updates?  I'd love to give this one a shot. 

on Dec 07, 2009

A lot of last minute changes hit our testers, I'm sure Eville will release when he feels its ready

on Dec 07, 2009

yeah trying to make fighters unUber right now they annihilate everything

on Dec 08, 2009

Quick question. Are unit voices changed? Like, Requiem's latest version using the voices from EAW.

EAW voices are cool.

Anyways, it would be very fun to finally see CIS and Republic ships in Entrenchment!


on Dec 08, 2009

"finally"? SOGE has had CIS and Republic since 0.75 - Dec 2008

All the voices have been changed, lots of the graphics have been changed, lots of abilities and other tweaks. Research is being worked on. This is quite an extensive mod, lots of work done by Eville Jedi and others

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