Impulse page for Sins of a Galactic Empire for Sins of a Solar Empire
Published on October 31, 2009 By EvilleJedi In Sins Modding

*** Prim3D has run out of cache space for rectangles ***

this sounds like a warning rather than an actual error, probably just means it has to go to disk more often and wil run slower


*** Pool's Allocated Space has been used up.  new / delete is being used as a fallback. ***

this seems to be something similar to the first message



c:\gs\entrenchment\CodeSource\GS\Player\PlayerOrbitBodyInfo.cpp(170): assert! [squad != 0]

i've checked and rechecked, but this seems to be related to an issue with fighters being availble but no command points being assigned to the ship?


c:\gs\entrenchment\CodeSource\Engine\DataStructures\DynamicVector.h(172): assert! [i >= 0]

this is the message that almost always heralds a minidump, I believe this is a hardcode being hit. Though it also may be because of rogue effects and abilities.


can anyone from IronClad give us a little explaination on these errors (since they do not reference the entity or type that is causing the error, it would be great if the entity name was passed to the assertion and logged so we can find the offending entity quicker)

on Nov 01, 2009

*** Prim3D has run out of cache space for rectangles ***

Your video card ran out of memory. So it switches to sys ram, or VMem so you are correct in that respect.

*** Pool's Allocated Space has been used up.  new / delete is being used as a fallback. ***

That one is new to me. I never saw it before even on my old amd sempron box. Sounds like a low resource warning.

c:\gs\entrenchment\CodeSource\GS\Player\PlayerOrbitBodyInfo.cpp(170): assert! [squad != 0]

Its one of your hangar defense structures. AFAIK Hangar defense must have at least one squad assigned or sins spazzes out. Check out all your structures that are supposed to have squads, and make sure you have command points assigned.

c:\gs\entrenchment\CodeSource\Engine\DataStructures\DynamicVector.h(172): assert! [i >= 0]

The line of doom.... Yup that does herald a dump. The infamous dont bother to tell us what freaking file its is that sins cant read dump.

That error usually means there is an older sins version file in your mod somewhere that 1.041 wont read. You just have to guess which file it is. That is the reason i am rebuilding SoA 2 from scratch. I got that very same crash error with SoA 2 0.3e.102, When i eventually got an answer that is what i was told. Its a bad file header somewhere. Which means older sins version file. I just wish DEV.exe threw us a freaking bone as to which one/s they were.

You need to go over your mod and make sure that any unmodded vanilla sins files are NOT in your mod folder. You also need to make sure what you do have in the mod folder is from version 1.041. You dont need to copy the entire sins gameinfo folder, or any other folder for that matter into the mod folder anymore. You only need to put in what is actually modded, or changed. Also make sure if its an entrenchment mod that the foundation files are from entrenchment.

Hope that helps.







on Nov 01, 2009

I did a full rebuild on 1.03 and then eliminated nearly every file from the actual game in the manifest files that I could (in most cases I duplicated the contents of the 1.03 and then renamed it)


what is amazing to me is that this is coming up 30 minutes into an 8x speed game, the AI has build one of everything at that point and it just happens for no real good reason

I wish the debug log would have options for build/research and ability activation commands as an option to display as well with timestamps of when it occured.

on Nov 01, 2009

Something has changed since 1.041. Sins doesnt seem as forgiving about older files as it was before. Hell its not as forgiving about much of anything any more lol.

I couldnt tell you what is causing your problem. The ship entitys themselves havent changed much since 1.03. Its gotta be something else. Ether particles or something in your pipeline effects. something stupid that you wouldnt expect to cause a problem. I did away with my pipeline effect folder totally. TBH it could be anything. Like i said i just wish the dev exe gave us a clue as to where the error was occuring.

on Nov 01, 2009

I know what it is (I think)!!!

It's either 1)- the player files. They updated the player file structure so you could assign custom cap ship/SB names. However, as you can load the custom SW players, and I think on you thread you said something about custom names being added, I don't think it's this.

OR, and more likely, it's this- 2) the SB entity file was updated with a new line that denotes it's creation source ability.

If you add that line in, you should (likely) stop getting dumps.

on Nov 01, 2009

star bases have been removed entirely until I reimplement them so that isn't the problem, I rebuilt the player files for 1.041 after getting a lot of crashes


I think it is a rogue ability that is not unspawning so I need to do some extensive testing with the dev exe to find it.

on Nov 02, 2009

hey evillejedi. I've managed to get fighters to launch from every cap ship you've designed so far. If u need any help with that I'd be glad to lend a hand... It's the least I could do since your ship meshes have made my life so much cooler

on Nov 02, 2009

with starbases u gotta make sure there is a mesh in place for every posible upgrade combination for the base. Sometimes I'll try and use a copy of the same mesh and rename it to the upgraded mesh's name. Sometimes it works, other times sins spazzes... Always so bizarre.

on Nov 02, 2009

Not entirely true. On the starbase meshes in SoA 2 we use the same model for all upgrades, and we never had any errors, or dumps from that. You do however need to make sure that all the model hardpoints that are supposed to be in a fully upgraded starbase, or structure are there. Learned that lesson the hard way :/

on Nov 16, 2009

Good morning any ony know what this one means ?    


c:\gs\entrenchment\CodeSource\Engine\Archive\TextFileArchive.cpp(136): assert! [false]


thanks jtaylorpcs

on Sep 29, 2010


: assert! [squad != 0]

Its one of your hangar defense structures. AFAIK Hangar defense must have at least one squad assigned or sins spazzes out. Check out all your structures that are supposed to have squads, and make sure you have command points assigned.

Having a hell of a time with this one. What does command points assigned mean?

I think I found it. I added the unused meshes for market and called it fleet command. It has hangar points. 


EDIT 2: Now I got a new 1

Assert @ c:\projects\Perforce\SinsDiplomacy\main\CodeSource\GS/Entity/Interfaces/IAttacker.cpp(165)

Happened when I entered a NPC grav well

I have Celestial Bodies and Sins Plus merged. Here is galaxyscenariodef.galaxyscenariodef for the mod.

Did a search for IsSafeToAttachTarget in the mods files with no hits.

on Apr 15, 2013

Anyone have a clue about this one?  The mod that caused this changes research for capital ship command points to have two levels of research each (basically starts at 2, max 32).

C:\Projects\P4\SinsRebellion\main\CodeSource\GS\Player\PlayerResearch.cpp(449): assert! [level >= 0 && level < table->Size()]

C:\Projects\P4\SinsRebellion\main\CodeSource\GS\Player\PlayerResearch.cpp(472): assert! [level >= 0 && level < table->Size()]

on Apr 15, 2013


on Apr 15, 2013

Well, the first 2 things (prime 3D and other thing) come up every log...

Also get a ton of error messages about planet elevators not having enough room or something...

Then there's the missing texture things...can't find kay's blue solar flare or skintech or whatever...

on Apr 15, 2013

Both errors are likely due to someone editing this wrong:

modifierType "CapitalShipMaxSlotLevel"  
baseValue 0.000000  
perLevelValue 2.00000




I put a 2 there and got error 449 and 472 to come should only have a 1 there, as this modifier affects the end game stats (how many crew techs you've researched) and not the actual number of cap crews (that would be the other modifier in those entity files, CapitalShipMaxSlots)