Impulse page for Sins of a Galactic Empire for Sins of a Solar Empire


Sins of a Galactic Empire (SOGE) 1.0e release for Sins of a Solar Empire Entrenchment
A Star Wars total conversion mod for Sins of a Solar Empire

Models, textures, ship stats: Evillejedi
Abilities and tons of debugging: Psychoak (It would have taken another year without this help) Web support and general debugging: Evaders
Interface icons: Ozwolf
SW Music: Pedro
Many many beta testers, many who didn't do a damn thing thanks to those that gave us valuable feedback!
Probably some other people I am missing, thanks

Development website
Development forum
bug tracker
sins forum


The zip file should be around 225mb

Extract the contents of the zip file to your sins mod directory
Example for windows XP C:\Documents\<username>\Local Settings\Application Data\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\Mods-Entrenchment v1.041\
Example for Vista/win 7 C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\Mods-Entrenchment v1.041\
open the game and go into options and select the mod from the list of available mods and then activate it.


The mod should be working fine if the only races you can select are the star wars races. If this is not the case you have not properly installed the mod in your mods folder.

This release is a compiled version of 1.0e, there are newer builds on the SVN, however these may be unstable or perform poorly, so download at your own risk

If you are in the beta test you will not need to download this file, simply update your SVN repository to get the latest version

This release contains fully playable factions for the Rebel Alliance, Imperial Navy, Confederacy of Independent systems and Galactic Republic

There are currently no star bases in the mod and the Civilian research has not been modified, it will be modified in the future

Since it is a total conversion this mod does not contain the stock races (advent, vasari, tech), this
decision is driven by the hardcode limits imposed by ironclad and by eliminating them makes the mod
much more stable. If you want the star wars races with the standard sins races check out
Star Wars Requiem at

If you would like to participate in the development of the mod we can definitely use your help!
However we are looking for skilled individuals to do development of many detailed aspects of research/ability coding and 2d artwork
and do not need general help. Please post on the development forum if you feel that you can help us.

Please check the development website for updates on news, new content or official patches

If you would like to participate in beta testing the mod you can post in the beta testing forum to get access, we are looking for testers
that will provide detailed feedback of items they find in the game into our bug tracker.

Planetary defenses are great starting elements to protect your planets, especially when upgraded, build lots of turrets!

There are a few planet hardening upgrades in the defense research, these are crucial if you want your colonies to survive.

Capital ships need to be protected before they gain a few levels, once they have a few levels they will become very potent.

The ranges for weapons have been greatly extended. If you want more epic battles move your ships into closer range and many
abilities and other weapons will be used by the vessels.
Remember even Admiral Ackbar thought that it was suicide to move so close to the imperial star fleet!

The Imperials focus on Heavy firepower, Ion weaponry and command and control. It is best to lead groups of star destroyers
with a flag ship. The Empire does not have a low cost colonizer, but the gladiator and ISDs are very capable. The Executor
really has no equal.

The Alliance is focused on survivability, the mon calimari vessels may not have a lot of firepower, but they will be able to
last the engagement. Mix the mon cal vessels with their other vessels for a mixed fleet and protect the Diplomatic vessels,
they have excellent high level abilities

The CIS starts off weak, but has some extremely powerful abilities after a bit of research, build lots of trafed II's at the
beginning and then progress to Lucrehulks with buzz droids.

The republic is based off of mass production of its vessels, use support vessels to supplement homogenous fleets and Lead the
fleets with a Jedi cruiser.

Some abilities may not work exactly as described, may have conditional issues or may be over/underpowered. This is being worked
on and some of it requires Ironclad to release a new patch

Research costs have not been finalized, they will change in the future

Some ships may be unbalanced this will be addressed as we get specific bug reports

some descriptions are too long and cause the text to spill out of the description box, this is especially true on lower resolution
screens like laptop screens. We are working to fix this

On some ships it may be possible to zoom in to the point that the models mesh disappears slightly this is being addressed.

some vessels such as the subjugator and some fighters may have no texture or may have incomplete textures, this is being addressed
in future versions

Ywings are currently being displayed as bwings, this will be fixed soon

Some abilities or effects may require work, this is especially true of abilities like Sprint

Some icons are being reworked and will require some adjustments

Fighters fly through ships and bounce around, this is something that needs to be fixed by ironclad, it is an engine issue.

The AI likes to spam some ships, right now there is no fix for this.

Entrenchment 1.041+ (until ironclad breaks it again)

model files and textures are compatible with older versions of Sins, however Ironclad made
many changes to the SINS code that require 1.041, if you want to backport the mod to a previous
version feel free, but it is a tremendous amount of work

Download Links


Comments (Page 105)
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on Mar 28, 2011

I know, but I have no idea if I have it or not. I kinda want something to 'tide me over' so to speak. How the hell do I know? Do I get send adownload link after I sign up?

on Mar 28, 2011

There should be a beta test area on the forums that has a thread with the details for the SVN download.

on Mar 28, 2011

Once you see the Beta Testing forum you are in. Which should be quick. No there are no maps which work with the planet in the game really. Lavo has messed with the random maps. I made a SW map that's in there. The original maps work but trust me when I say that they will suck. You best bet is the Galaxy maker in the game and the randoms.

on Mar 28, 2011

Signed myself up a few hours ago. How will I know if I was accepted?  

Eventually Evaders will get on and give beta access to the latest applicants, then you will be able to see the Beta Testers forum, which has a pinned thread containing the SVN information, as Sparda said. That contains all that is required to get the beta.

Is there any maps I can download that will work with the mod?

Are any GalaxyForge maps supported as well?

There are a few maps already in the mod, made by Nova and I, that work with the mod. There are others, again by Nova and I, that are yet to be uploaded/added, I will get to these eventually. The GalaxyForge can be used to make mods for this game, indeed, the GF works for any mod, you just need to copy over the GalaxyScenDef file..

Finally, do any planet mods work with SOGE?

As Nova has said, his groundbreaking planet mod is in the game. The description in the OP is somewhat outdated, other mods tend to not work with SoGE due to SoGE's modification of the GalaxyScenDef file, massive entity.manifest, and due to the fact that it has different hyperspace/phase space exit/entry points on planets than vanilla.

on Mar 28, 2011

ok, thanks for all the info guys, I appriciate it.

on Mar 28, 2011

'Groundbreaking' rofl. Weeeeee! I'm groundbreaking. Lavo's in marketing!

on Mar 28, 2011

ok, thanks for all the info guys, I appriciate it.

You're welcome. Tbh I'm looking forwards to your comments and criticism.

'Groundbreaking' rofl. Weeeeee! I'm groundbreaking. Lavo's in marketing!

Nah, I'm in mech engineering, it's just true that your planets make huge changes to the game. And I don't mean simply for players and chance, due to your changes the AI itself has changed. Now, regardless of the AI type, all AIs do research, from the start of the game, and do not colonize blitz early on.

on Mar 28, 2011

Really? wow... So is that good?

on Mar 28, 2011

Really? wow... So is that good?

It most certainly gives people a real change from vanilla. It also ensures that the AI will use their researchable ships, except for the Imp's Lancer, from early on in the game, among other things. I'm not sure if it's good or bad, as the AIs seem to produce less ships overall. Depending on the game I either have a far easier, or far harder, time of rolling everyone else.

on Mar 28, 2011

I have also noticed a major change in the AI's behavior compared to regular Sins.

A few things I learned about the AI after playing the mod for a while now:

The AI, no matter what difficulty, will almost always be ahead of you.

Here's how-

-It will out-fleet you. (Take a look at the ship building stats after a game, you'll see what I mean)

-It will out colonize you (if it has time)

-It will out maneuver you (I always end up getting attacked from behind due to some stupid loophole...see below.)

     If you build the same starting amount of ships you would in regular Sins, you will most likely lose when the enemy launches a decisive attack on your colonies. I looked at the production stats the last time I saved and quit a game, and it was astounding.  I had built around 40 frigates, 25 cruisers and 2 cap ships in about 2 hours of play time. The AI had around 130 frigates, 200 cruisers and 5 cap ships. I haven't seen the whole fleet yet, but I have a strong feeling I'm going to have to increase my production to even contest the enemy. What I did see was pretty scary though.      

     The colonizing stats were crazy as well. I had taken about 18 planets, the AI 40! It must have expanded into the next system, because that's just insane. They will also manage to go completely around your forces. This is better explained by telling you what happened to me today. I'll walk you through it. Here's the scenario: Large random multi-star map, two forces in two separate systems as shown below:


Me as the Empire on the right

Normal Economist AI (because the higher difficulties tend to amass such a ridiculous force at my home planet pretty fast in this mod)as the Alliance on the left

Neutral system in the center (represented as the x)     

     Now I've played a lot of Sins, (seeing as I've had vanilla since it came out) but I've never had the random map generator screw me over so bad. Two jumps from my home world is a wormhole, with an asteroid in between.     

     At first I didn't think much of it, until it led to the fall of all the planets surrounding my capitol planet. But we'll get to that later. Anyway, I queue a Command Star Destroyer and a few Nebulan B frigates to take the nearby asteroid. After doing so, I see that there's nothing around me I can capture without research.     

     Two ice planets to the right of my home world, followed by a desert and a few volcanic. So I queue the research for the colonies and set up trade on my two planets so I can expand it later. My initial plan was to just take the entire system, build a massive fleet, then take the neutral star system next door. I underestimated the AI, seeing how I haven't played this mod in a while. This was stupid.      

Maybe if I had created more ships to march around the galaxy in two separate fleets this would have worked, but I didn't. The entirety of my forces consisted of this:

1 ISD Command cap ship

5 ISD-Is


10 Heavy Corvettes 

10 Nebulan B-2 frigates

20 Dreadnaught cruisers         

     I just moved it from planet to planet, taking all the planets on the right side of the system. At this time I had at least 2 trade ports on each planet, and 8 of each research station. I had so many resources that I could have easily bought an Executor, so I did.      

     I was about to move my ships to the other side of the star, when I hear "our planet is under siege!" I zoom out to find out what was happening. At the asteroid next to my home world and the ice planet neighboring the asteroid, there were 2 separate large fleets. Around 12 MC80 and 5 MC90 cruisers were at the asteroid, and 10 or so carriers and missile frigates. The ice planet had about the same. How the hell did they get in?! I controlled all the planets connecting to the star. How did I not see them? Then it hit me: the wormhole. My reaction: holy crap.     

     My fleet was no where near the action, and I didn't know if it could take on both fleets when they both arrived at my home world. (which is what they did when the planets they were attacking were no longer under my control.) I had to act fast. Then I remembered something.      

     The Executor was building on my front line factory, and it wasn't very close to being done, so I built it on my home world instead. This was my only chance to save this side of the system. While they were bombing the living hell out of my planets, I was preparing for the battle at my capitol. Fully upgrading my tactical slots, I set up some impressive defenses: 2 Golan platforms 4 hangers 1 planetary shield 4 repair bays A few turrets and ion cannons Planet hardening researched to max levels         

     They jumped in just as my Executor was coming out of the factory!  The defenses were still building, but I had one Golan and the hangers up. The enemy had started bum rushing my planet, with the Executor on their heels. It was crushing their frigates, but those Mon Calamari cruisers can really take a beating. They had bomber support, but the TIE Interceptors from the hangers and the Executor were holding them off.      

In a few minutes, they started to retreat. Their fleet had been effectively reduced to half it's original size. They were retreating as such:

| |  ^  | |   

     The lines are the enemy, triangle my Executor. I sent it directly between them, resulting in every weapon system on the vessel to fire. It was quite the sight! My main fleet was waiting in the next grav well, ready to finish of any stragglers. Finally, my ships managed to repel the remaining forces back to the wormhole.      

     I recolonized the lost planets and set up a ton of defenses there. Nothing was getting to my home world without a fight, that was for sure. After all the defenses were set up, I jumped my fleet to the wormhole to see if any enemies were still there. What I found made my heart skip a beat.     

     There, in the center of a massive MC90-MC80 force, was a Mon Remonda. I ordered the Executor to move it's broadside to the ship's prow, and the remaining ships attacked whatever they wanted to. There were at least 150 starfighter squadrons in the grav well, 60 or so mine. As the ships closed in, the lasers started to fly, with the Executor actually DRIFTING (seriously, like a goddamn car!) to the Mon Remonda, unleashing all hell upon it.      

     This was the most epic battle I've ever witnessed. Everything was attacking at maximum firepower, and I seemed to be winning. I managed to destroy everything but the Mon Remonda, which retreated into the wormhole. That's where I left off the save, and will resume play tomorrow.     

     My point is, the AI in SOGE builds large fleets very quickly without hesitation. If you don't do the same, you may not survive. The onlything that saved me was the Executor, and even with it I lost a considerable amount of ships in that final engagement. Keep expanding, but keep building up a fleet as well. Balance the two perfectly, and you won't have to worry about losing your planets to a preemptive strike.

on Mar 28, 2011

I suggest force fire next time in large battles. Shift attack is your friend.

on Mar 30, 2011

Well I kinda was mesmerized by the epic battle before me, so I just watched it play out. But I know, shift attack is my friend. 

By the way, has Evader gotten around to approving the new testers? It's been a few days...

on Mar 30, 2011

He was on yesterday, so everyone whose app'd for beta (as of this post) should be in.

on Mar 30, 2011

is there an eta for the next release?

on Mar 30, 2011

@catinalawnmower amazing post and that sounds like a truely amazing battle wow

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